Star Cats

This page is dedicated to the cats who through us, and thanks to you, have found a new and happy life.

We love receiving updates on our cats so if you’ve rehomed a Lothian Cat Rescue fur-ball,  please do stay in touch!  You can email us with an update on your cat to us at  Or pop an update on our Facebook page.

Click on the images to find out more about these lucky cats and their new homes.

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Natalie sent us this: "Just to let you know we have finally decided on a name for Baubles...we’ve decided on Ash. We thought of one of the fox characters from Fantastic Mr. Fox, the Roald Dahl story as his tail is like a fox’s! I’ve called him Ash McBaubles, a hint to his Christmas adoption! :-) :-)"
Just a quick email from Lorna to let us see how Daisy is doing:
"Still nervous of new people but getting used to the goings on in the house. She has destroyed my husband's slippers, his feet must smell like catnip lol. Although we have offered to open the door for the garden for her she has not really gone past the step. She is already part of our family. Thanks for letting us take her home."
Helen sent this update on her cats:  "I thought you might like to see how well Kit and Fin
(now Galliard and Caslon) are settling in. As you can see, they still like to cuddle up together. And thank you for such huggy boys."
Caroline sent this sad news: "Approximately 11 and a half years ago I adopted a cat called Smudge from you. I renamed him Gucci however he had lung cancer and had to be put down on the 27th December. He was the perfect pet and is dearly missed but I wanted to let you know. I like to think he had a happy and long life. We're not looking right now but over the next year if you do come across a pair of domestic long haired brothers who are in need of a home please let me know."
A sad note from Bob & Linda: "Just a note to inform you that our cat Hamish who we adopted from you on 14/4/2012 had to be put to sleep after suddenly becoming ill with a tumour. He was a fantastic, fun and healthy cat and we would like to thank you for getting him to us for 8 years. Thanks again and keep up the great work."
Jonathan & Laura wanted to provide an update on Jinx who they adopted on 21 March 2020; "He has really settled in now, initially only staying in the garden for six months but now he is out and about meeting other cats and seems to be really happy here. Laura and I are really happy that we adopted him as he fits in so well but still getting used to the idea that the cat flap is an in door and not just an out door. We have put a track on him to ensure he doesn’t go too far, don’t think he notices."
Corinne sent us this: "We adopted Princess, now called Lola, on Saturday and so far so good.  She has figured where her food is, her litter tray, an overnight spot etc... So far so good. Here is Lola settling on our bed.  Hopefully better pictures to come soon!"
A message about Sylvester from Karen: "Well, it took him 10 minutes, but he seems to be making himself at home! We are already devoted fans!"
Wendy & John adopted Nia on 9th December. "We've renamed her Una, which in Gaelic means 'white wave', although the speed she runs down the hallway should have been tsunami! She's a tiny bit of feline energy at 2.8kg and her character changes every day as she becomes more and more confident. She's a very loving puss, especially when her tummy is full and we can't thank everyone at LCR enough for caring for her before she became a member of our family."
Ann sent this update on Willow who has been living with her since mid October: "Willow has really settled in and given up hiding behind the sofa, preferring on the chair.  She had the last of her injections in mid November so has been going out since then. The first couple of days she just skulked around the edges of the garden but now she is in and out having very quickly got to grips with the cat door. She likes chasing the squirrels though they are a lot faster than her and she has also met the resident foxes.  The first time the young fox wanted to play but Willow thought it was better to leap out from behind the bushes and chase.  This morning they had a bit of a stand off in the snow.  She isn't a lap cat (yet) but she does like to come up on my lap in the morning to purr and and get stroked.  And she's discovered my bed."
Anne & Tom sent this update on their new adoptees: "Pansy and Daisy settling in quite happily after their first week with us. We will now be changing their names:
Pansy will be Cachou
Daisy will be Réglisse
(Both names are types of licorice in French!)"
Gordon, Linda, Graham and Denis sent a photo of Brandy, who they adopted from our Bonnyrigg Centre in early December. "She has made herself at home and enjoys exploring every room in our house! She is a beautiful cat with a very friendly nature.. popular with all four of us and our dog, Bella! Wonderful pussy cat, and we are spoiling her !!😃"
In July 2014 Carol adopted Geiger (then Grant) from LCR. "He chose me on an Open Day and there was no escaping the utterly adorable gentle giant. Unfortunately on Monday I had to make the horrific decision to have him put to sleep after a battle with numerous FIV related problems. I miss him dreadfully, but we had a fun 6.5 years together, and so I made a book to celebrate the good times we had together." This is a photo from the book.
Charlotte, Graeme and Georgia just wanted to let us know that they had to say goodbye to their beautiful boy Jack on Thursday. "He was nearly 16. We adopted him from you in 2006. He was 11 months old and had been found straying by one of your staff named 'Jackie' so you called him Jack. Funnily enough our 5 year old daughter has called him Jacky ever since she could talk. That was her first word. We have two other cats adopted from you, Maggie as a kitten in 2008 and Pixie was 9 months old in 2010. They are wondering where Jack has gone.
Here is a picture of our handsome boy. When you open again we would love to come and see if you have any ginger cats as he has left a huge space in our hearts which we would love to fill in time."
Bethany thought to update us all on Puss: "Puss is such a lovely cat and I am so happy I got him.
He has started going out now and comes home no bother. He follows me around the house and has made friends with the neighbour's cat who he likes to invite in. He loves to play, has about 20 mice, boxes everywhere and all kinds of other toys. Also likes to chase his tail. Discovered he enjoys cat milk and cat yogurt but doesn't like boiled fish. He brought a bird into the house.. sat with it between his paws and was bathing it.. bird was so confused. Puss has settled in so well and I cant thank yous enough for allowing me to leave that day with him."
Jennifer, Jonathan & Joel sent this email and pic as a wee update on a couple of our former residents. "We got Sooty the black cat from you about 3 years ago and Neko (new name) the tabby from you last summer as a 3 month old kitten. Anyway they are getting on well as you can see from this cuddle. Which is nice! They have certainly made this past year much easier as are always entertaining company. Hope you are all coping in the current circumstances. Appreciate all the great work you do."
Hina adopted Zeus & Ollie recently & wanted to let us know they were settling in & causing much mischief & mayhem which is great.  "I wanted to let you know I have changed their names: Zeus is now called Gabbarsingh (after a legendary Bollywood bandit) & Ollie is known as Biscuit (ginger)."
Happy 2nd Adoptaversary to beautiful Minnie 🖤🖤“Just a wee update! This is Minnie who chose us to live with two years ago today and we are so lucky that she did! She is the best cat ever! Her only flaw is that anyone who looks after her then wants to get a cat because she is so lovely! Thank you for helping us find the perfect cat x”
Happy 1st Adoptaversary to beautifully boisterous  Lisek 🖤🖤“Thought you'd like to know that we've now had our LCR cat, Lisek for one whole year now! Can't believe it,it's gone so fast! Lisek was one of 3 brought to you but was too boisterous to be kept with the 2 girls..and boy, does he show it! We were originally going to change his name to Bailey but Lisek just sort of stuck (means little fox in Polish so really suits him). He had his side's shaved when he came to us after an accident with wallpaper paste but is now the fluffiest cat we've ever met! Couldn't imagine life without him even if he's worse than a toddler! 😂”
Happy 2nd Adoptaversary to this gorgeous wee devil, Daisy 🤣🖤🖤“Here is our wee devil cat she choose me 2 years ago, she still like to bite my ankles but loves a knee too”
Happy 1st Adoptaversary to handsome Star. What a fab picture 🖤🖤“Just to keep you up to day with Star who we adopted on the 28/5/20.  Getting more confident and enjoying venturing outside and love having him as part of the family”
This boy.  Bumble 🖤🖤🖤Living proof that there is no such thing as an “unhomeable cat”.Each cat just needs the right combination of space, patience, time and love.  And of course the right home.Love him 🖤🖤🖤
Happy 2nd adoptaversary to Dusty and Erwin, previously Aero and Polo.   Their Mum says she wouldn’t be without them 🖤🖤
Happy 1st Adoptaversary to this gorgeous boy.This description made us laugh 🖤🤣🖤“It’s a year on 30th June since this guy came home with us.  Gorgeous Gus (formerly Milo) is just a wee gem.  One part ginger moggie, two parts dog, he is such a pack animal, constantly seeking out company, and a warm lap to sit on.  We worked out that when he meows round your feet he’s actually looking to get picked up and cuddled, crossing his paws over your arm, happy to get carried about the house.  As he was a stray for six months before he came to the shelter, he must have really struggled without human contact.  He’s an outdoor cat, but his night time freedom has been temporarily suspended due to the army of live mice which summer nights brought in.  Not quite as bad as the headless pigeon which we discovered under the bed due to the rancid smell a week on.   He is utterly cheeky, and doesn’t respond to commands to get down from the work tops until he knows you are within grabbing distance to lift him off.  Quite the master cat burglar, he’s capable of pinching a piece of ham or cheese from a plate, even from right under your nose, and heading out the cat flap with it – he knows not remorse or shame.We just love him to bits.  He is without doubt the best cat ever, and we are so grateful that he was seeking out humans when we dropped in last year!”
Happy 1st Adoptaversary to beautiful Teddy“Thank you so much as she has kept me sane in the 2nd lockdown. She is such a character and brings me so much joy. She loves helping me weed the garden and generally getting into mischief outside. She loves to play. And although she's not a lap cat, she comes onto my bed for snuggles every morning. Thank you for all you do”🖤🖤
Thank You SO Much!!!!Can't believe it's three years ago to the day that dear little Molly came into our lives - and brought so much love and happiness with her!   We attach a photo to show you how happy she is, too - sitting on one of her favourite places, a lap!Warmest wishes to you all,
Janice, John and Catriona
Cristina & Roberto wanted to send us a little update on Archie, it's been a wee while since we adopted him and he's settled in quite nicely. When he got home we had a little room prepared for him with a litter box, food, water and a comfy bed. We thought he would want to stay there for a few hours while settling in, but after only a few minutes he was totally ready to explore the rest of the house.He's definitely a lap cat, he loves a good nap in my lap every time I sit down and he follows us while we're pottering around the house. He's been enjoying watching bird YouTube videos on the tv and his favourite toy is a fluffy pink mouse that he bats around the house. It's being so much fun getting to know him and learning his likes and dislikes and his little quirks.We were a little worried for a couple of days because he didn't seem to be drinking any water, we tried leaving the tap open and tried different water bowls, but he wasn't interested. After a couple of days like this, we mixed some water in his wet food and it seems to have done the trick, he laps it up before eating the food, so I think it might just be his preference? We make sure we always leave some fresh water out for him, in case he changes his mind.We're so glad we adopted him, he's such a lovely wee boy and we hope to enjoy many years with him. Thank you so much for the work you do and for letting us adopt Archie!
Dawn & Tabitha adopted Tigger (now called Barley-Rye!) from us last year and report that he is a dream. "Thanks for being so accurate in your description of him. He doesn't seem to like to go out much and loves being around people. He's very gentle and the only down side to his personality is his obsession with food!! Look away from the table for a second and he has his head in your food and he'll eat anything! I've attached some photos of the happy boy."
Sandra & family adopted Arthur from us in November 2018. "Renamed Breeks due to his huge fluffy hindquarters! He was quite a wild 8 month old when he arrived and although he's settled down, he is lots of fun rugby tackling us as we garden. Here he is looking more Kingly than rugby player. Thanks LCR for our loved family member. "
From Coco & Jasmine, Thank you to Lothian Cat Rescue for saving us and finding us a lovely home with our new owners Fiona and Euan MacGregor x
Adopted in July 2020. We are in love with our beautiful little girls! Fiona & Euan xx
Ros, Adam, Alistair & Imogen  just wanted to drop us a line to let us know how Dexter and Smudge are
getting on. "A week in their new home and they have made themselves at home. Dexter is into everything and making himself well acquainted with the dogs, Smudge is taking things a bit slower but having spent the first few days under the bed, is now happily venturing out round the house and finding some nice warm sleeping spots. They are wonderful, thank you!"
Pauline sent us this: "I thought you might like an update on Domino, the 8 year old tabby who came to live with me last September. He settled in quite quickly and is now venturing outside.I’ve attached a photo of his favourite position, need I say more!"
A little message from David: "Frieda is settling in at her forever home and enjoying getting petted. Still a bit flighty but knows she is safe and has her bolt holes that we don't go near when she takes time out."
Joanna & Ryan adopted Gina recently. "Just passing on that she has settled in really well and is wanting non stop cuddles on the sofa. We are absolutely loving having her and she is part of the family already. Here's a photo. We would love to be able to forward some to her previous owner if she would like to see how she is doing."
Joanna took this photo on Monday 20/12/2021. "Heidee is doing well, especially when I have my heating on.
She still will not let me pick her up, but she does come and sit on the arm my chair and I can stroke her. Heidee loves having her tummy tickled. She has not been out side yet, but I think at the moment, it is better to stay indoors. I love her and am so pleased that I could give her a home."
Alison, Neil, Jessica and Emma just wanted to write and thank us all for getting them set up with Jack. "He has settled in so well, thankfully calmed down a little bit now he’s getting outside, he was beginning to destroy the house a bit but he is loving his new found freedom and is making friends (and enemies) with the other local cats! He’s a proper little sook, loves a cuddle and has been incredibly patient with our two girls who just adore him. He’s been poked in the eye, walked in the pram and he doesn’t get left alone but he loves it, following them around the house even when he doesn’t get a moment's peace."
Caroline & family rehomed Mickey last year. "His new name is Jackson (as in the Percy Jackson films/books). He’s proving to be a lovely boy. Very chatty, affectionate, likes to be near or on us and then takes himself away for a little while. He’s still getting use to us and the house, so he goes behind the tumble drier for a quiet place to chill and feel safe. Here’s our boy relaxing on the bed."
It is with great sadness that Fiona & Euan are contacting us today to inform us that their darling girl Jasmine (ginger girl) who they adopted from us in August 2020 was hit by a car near their home this morning and died on impact. "We are absolutely devastated and heartbroken. She leaves her wee sister Coco behind. We are so so sad , but feel blessed to have had such a beautiful, loving, inquisitive and adventurous little girl in our lives, even if it was only for a year and half.
She was a very happy girl, and we were very happy to know and love her. Coco was a devoted little sister to Jasmine, they were very close and spent all day together grooming one another and playing . Coco will miss Jasmine immensely."
Cath shared this with us: "I'm very sad to have to inform you that we said goodbye to Jess just over a week ago. She had untreatable and very aggressive mammary cancer.
Jess chose us in June 2017, at that point she was a hissing, terrified ball of fur. Slowly we managed to build up her trust and it seems particularly tragic that she was just starting to show her love when she was so cruelly taken.
I hope we were able to give her some comfort in what must have been a difficult life before she was rescued by yourselves."
The Christie family adopted Luna in August and she has settled in brilliantly. "From day 1 she was such a character and we immediately fell in love with her. She had been through the wars a bit but is absolutely thriving now. Crazy, loving and adorable, a part of our family!"
Rhona & Dale wanted to write and give us a little update on a cat we adopted from you in October. Her name with you was Hazel, but we have since renamed her Moxie. She was very shy at first and would barely look at us for the first week or so, preferring to stay curled up as small as possible until we had gone to bed. However in the last couple of months she has been slowly coming out of her shell and will now join us on the couch, especially if we have her brush as she absolutely loves being groomed - she will actually come to us for a brush more than she will come for a treat! She has also put on a healthy amount of weight and seems to be getting more energetic and playful every day! She loves chasing her feather on a string and at night time we can sometimes hear her jumping in and out of the (empty) bath!
Thank you all so much for helping us find our perfect pal - she makes us laugh every day and it's so rewarding seeing her progress and start to like us!"
Cathie wanted to let us know that all was well in North Berwick and Moxley has made himself at home. "We
are  calling him Niko, photo of him having a good clean in his favoured
chair, my recliner!"
Alan thought we'd appreciate a quick update on Oreo who was adopted from us 5 years ago and celebrated her 13th birthday recently! "She seems to be quite happy up high on top of the wardrobe or inside a cardboard box any time I get a delivery. She still doesn't like being held, which can make brushing a bit awkward, but is very affectionate when it's on her terms! Thanks for all the work you do, especially under current circumstances!"
Jane & Oliver wanted to send an update on River, who they adopted from us on 23rd October 2021!"She’s settled in really well, she’s very confident, playful, and affectionate. We love watching her leaping and charging around the house after her toys, it’s so funny to watch.She’s been fully vaccinated by now, but is still a little wary of outside. She explores the garden for a few mins before running back inside. Hopefully when the weather gets a bit nicer she’ll feel a bit happier playing outside, she loves looking out the windows and chattering at passing birds anyway.Thank you for rehoming her with us! We love her so much."
Roo chose Catherine & family in September 2010. "She was a cuddly 3yr old and it took me 5yrs to get her down to 4.5kg, quite an effort for a cat who liked her food. She was such a sweetheart but last July she had another severe bout of pancreatitis and then we found out she had damaged kidneys, infected urethra as well as enlarged intestine. Amazingly she bounced back and was doing really well. In November I noticed a lump on her side which was diagnosed as malignant. Due to her other problems we decided on palliative care and she continued on this until 14th January when I had the saddest decision to take. We are so lucky to have had Roo for all these years, such a darling with a sweet nature and she liked to come and find us, especially at dinner time!"
Message from Louise: "Happy 1st adoptversary to our special wee cat Ruby she has brought such alot of joy to our house over past year and she loves us just as much as we love her."
Jacqueline sent us this: "It's now 3 years since we adopted Sasha from you and she's now well and truly settled in and ruling the roost. She's turned from being a scared and angry little cat to a big softie who only lashes out if you stop tickling her tummy or don't tickle her behind the ear when she wants it. I've attached a photo of Sasha proving that any box is better than her basket! Thank you again for what you do."
Back in November 2009 Sean & Susan adopted a cat from LCR. "His name was Gizzy and he was approximately a year old but we renamed him Sid as it seemed to suit him better. Sid has been the most wonderful cat you could ever hope to meet but sadly passed away recently after a short battle with a very aggressive and fast growing cancer. Throughout the time we had him Sid never wanted for anything and we like to think that he chose well when we visited that day and he came over to us. My wife was a little nervous of cats at the time and her mother was adamant she didn’t like cats at all  – but all that changed quite quickly when we brought Sid home and settled him in and both are now very definitely cat lovers."
Daniel wrote to give us all an update on the two cats he adopted on Tuesday. "I've renamed this one Sushi (black). Sushi loves rolling herself up in any blanket, bag, or clothing she can get her paws on, like a little sushi roll.
They're both still settling in, but they've been eating, drinking, and pooing healthily so I think they're doing great so far. I've attached photos I took of each of them."
Ruth shared this with us: "Tom has settled into family living brilliantly. He brings us so much joy. Thank you for rehabilitating him and letting us bring him home.He'll now happily snuggle up on our laps and now sleeps each night on his cat bed in our daughter's room (by mutual consent). Tom likes being warm and comfortable!If we're all in one room he chooses to be with us but if we're not he'll sit on the stairs so he knows where we all all. Any visitors are just more interesting people to observe and get strokes from.He completely won over our vet when we took him for a routine health check. He's never scratched anything and used his litter tray perfectly from day one. Despite multiple ongoing opportunities Tom just isn't interest in the outside world.I've attached one of our favourite pictures of Tom snuggled up."
Daniel wrote to give us all an update on the two cats he adopted on Tuesday. I've renamed this one Willow (tabby). Willow's an adventurous cat with fur that reminds me of tree bark, and fairly long fur like the leaves of a willow tree. They're both still settling in, but they've been eating, drinking, and pooing healthily so I think they're doing great so far. I've attached photos I took of each of them.
A note from Sandie, Pat & Maeve: "Just dropping you a wee note to say that Tom has settled in to his new home really well. We could not have wished for a more perfect cat.  He’s so affectionate and clever.  Our little girl is just delightful with him.  We have all fallen in love with him.  He likes his food, belly rubs & cuddles.  Thank you for letting us take him home."
Caroline recently had to say goodbye to her sweet, lovely Boo: "She came to me from LCR around August/September 2010 and I'm missing her terribly. I have included a photo of my gorgeous girl."
Alice & family just wanted to let us know that Casper is settling in well in his new home. "We have really enjoyed having him around the house and he is really playful and energetic! He is out now and knows how to come back and he really enjoys sunbathing on the grass. Thank you!"
Matilda just wanted to send an update from Fergus who they adopted from us back in 2018. "We have since moved to Sweden and Fergus has settled in really well in his new home environment. Even during the flight here he showed excellent behaviour and did not say a peep. Now he's just waiting for the snow to melt as of course he doesn't like his paws wet haha! He's an ambitious but hopeless hunter so the wee birds in the forest outside the house have nothing to worry about ;)"
A message from Greer: "Thank you so much for our wonderful cats, Frankie and Barney, it’s been one week today since we adopted them and they’re settling in well!  They’ve each chosen their favourite places to relax, sleep and sit and love playing with us and each other when they’re awake.  I think they’re both looking forward to the garden in another couple of weeks after their second vaccinations!"
Liz lasted two months with a cat shaped hole at home, after Pumpkin died, then came back to Lothian Cat Rescue and adopted 8 yr old Kayla (now Kitty). "There are always  lots of black cats available for adoption because they don’t photograph well. As you can see it’s all about the lighting. Kitty particularly likes little pompoms to chase around the kitchen ( see video below ) She’s very sweet and great company. Thank you for all the good work you all do to look after cats in need of homes - and their adopters!:
An update from Morag & family: "Lola came home with us on Saturday. We thought her previous owner would like to see how she is doing. She is such an intelligent wee cat, very chatty and affectionate.  We are so happy that she chose us."
William sent us this: "This is the late Moggie."
Toni wanted to share this with us: "The lovely furbabies have settled well. I call them my wee bookends, they sleep on either side of me, all night. My daughters have fallen in love with them too. I seem to have naturally changed Olivia to Livvy, so that's what I'll call her from now on."
Just a little update from Lisa on Pudding  (formally known as Jake): "He is settling in really well and growing in confidence each day. He is also loving playing out in the garden. He has put weight on and his fur is starting to grow back. We have recently discovered that he has a factor 7 deficiency which effects his blood's ability to clot, making him a more sensitive boy, but we are taking good care of him and he is enjoying life!
All is well with Suki too, we rehomed her 6 years ago from LCR . There has been no conflicts between the 2 of them.
Both are very content cats enjoying the countryside and their home comforts."
From Liz: "You may remember my lovely LCR 8yr old ginger cat, named Pumpkin because she was very fat and orange when I adopted her. She was so fat that no-one wanted to adopt her ! She went on a diet and enjoyed a happy life with me for six years until she developed heart problems. I lasted two months with a cat shaped hole at home, after she died, then came back to Lothian Cat Rescue and adopted 8 yr old Kayla (now Kitty)."
It is through tears and with a broken heart that Lorna & Rob are letting us know that recently they said goodbye, at home, to their adorable cat, Star. "We and his brother Sky will miss him loads. Tigs (another LCR cat, who we took home with us when my mum died) will probably be doing the cat version of the Highland Fling as they never really saw eye to eye. We got Star and Sky from you on 1st August 2014 – we had tickets to a GB hockey game at the Commonwealth Games that night, but we could not bear to leave our 2 new “babies” so we stayed home with them instead. We have been dotty about them ever since. Rob and I are both gutted as you can imagine, but our wee Star is free from his illness and we will in time, I hope, take comfort from that, but it is a bit too soon to feel any sort of comfort at all.
Thank you for letting us have Star, Sky and Tigs – you and your cats are amazing."
Jasmine came to live with Eileen five years ago this week. "She is a constant joy and a lively companion. Lockdown would have been very different if she had not been with me. Thanks to Lothian Cat Rescue for introducing us to one another."
Albus has written to us to thank us for finding me my new home. "It has been a week since the Brown family adopted me, and took me to Livingston. As you can see from the photos, I’ve adapted very quickly to my new surroundings.
My name was Yoda but I’ve been renamed now. The humans assessed my personality after a couple of days, and they’re calling me “Albus” (after Professor Dumbledore in Harry Potter).
I’ve explored every corner of my new home and I’m so confident and contented that I’m more than happy to sleep on my back so that I can have my servants stroke my tummy and tickle under my chin. I love all the cuddles I’m getting and look forward to being “Furminated” each day because it cuts down on the amount of fur that I leave on my bed.
I’ve got a lovely bed and a great choice of places to nap. I’ve got lots of toys too, which allow me to fine tune my hunting skills and keep me in prime condition. I especially love the catnip mice and laser pen. I enjoy looking out of the windows into my new garden, particularly at the squirrels and pigeons, and can’t wait to get out there to inspect my new territory.
Food is always an exciting time for me and I’m being very well looked after. I’ve got great choices every meal time. They’ve even bought me a special drinking fountain so that I can have fresh running water whenever I’m thirsty.
Thanks for looking after me for those 4 weeks and for helping to find my new home. I couldn’t be happier!"
Pamela and Marta adopted Toni and Roni the tiny Tabithas recently and they are settling in nicely at home!  "We have chosen new names for these beautiful girls. They are now Dusty (Springfield) and Annie (Lennox).
Ive added photos, Annie is the one with more white and hisses a bit lol!"
Alison and Lyn wanted to say a big thank you for helping to match them up with Zeno and Parmenides (formerly Stan and Ollie). "They have grown a LOT and are enjoying exploring the outside now. We can’t remember what it was like to not have cats wrestling on the carpet every evening! Here are two photos - one from this week and one from when we first met them in the rescue."
Gemma and Gordon thought we might like a wee update on Alex who they took home a few weeks ago.
"In the shelter she was shy but was coming out of her shell. She is gaining in confidence every day and just loves cuddles and fuss :) Thank you some much for letting this little lady come into our lives."
Lisa thought we might like an update on Hayley, whom she adopted from LCR in August 2011.  "She’s still going strong and showing no signs of slowing down; quite the opposite!  She spends her days hunting, relaxing on her heat mat and arguing with me.  She’s a fabulous girl and I’m so lucky to have found her through you."
Sarah sent us this: "Luna and Haggis moved in with us from LCR in January 2022. They were already a bonded pair. They have since mastered the digital catflap, established their territory and made friends with the neighbours...but not all the neighborhood cats! They are also champion mousers...😱"
Karen wanted to share an update on Miyuki who she adopted from LCR in September 2020. "She has settled in brilliant we are at her beck & call everyday, her wish is our command such a Diva. A very spoilt cat we just love her."
The McBride family wanted to let us know that their lovely cat, Ronnie, had to put to sleep recently at Musselburgh Gordon’s Vets. Although less than 2 years old he suffered a sudden blood clot in his back (causing sudden paralysis of his back legs) which the vet thinks was due to congenital heart condition that very suddenly raised its head. Several vets in the past year did not detect anything and the last time he was at the vets for a small eye injury he was given a good bill of health. The kindest action this morning was to put him to sleep.Ronnie was loved by all the family and although he might have not had a great start before his stay at LCR this last year has been very happy for him. His own chip activated cat flap and the run of the house he slept in the warmest of places during the day. He was a night-time hunter and often brought in dead presents that he proudly displayed on the hall floor in the morning for the first person downstairs. He was always very proud of his presents and used to have this wee strut walk when he knew you had found them. Very funny start to the day, almost like, look at me, I’m a very clever boy.He was such a loving wee character and will be very much missed by all the family. We are just so happy to have given him a happy and loving home this past year. The photo attached was taken only this past week on one of his afternoon walks around the garden. Very handsome cat he was.Thank you LCR for all your loving hard work.
Katie, Gordon and family wanted to send some pictures of Albie who they’ve had for nearly a week now. “He is so lovely, still quite nervous, but has gained a bit more confidence around us. He loves a tummy rub and today lay on my daughter Phoebe's feet whilst she was baking. Maybe it was the cat apron!!!! We are so pleased to have Albie and think he's going to be a wonderful pet. Thank you all so much, especially for all the extras.”
Simona just wanted to let us know that Ant and Dec are settling in so well. “They’re fun, full of energy and let’s not forget mischief! They have absolutely no issues with our two dogs Peggy and Daisy.”
A message from Alex and Iain: “Here’s Bertie. Day 6 and settling in well. He’s eating, drinking, playing, sleeping and we have fallen in love with him. Thanks again for letting us have the loveliest wee cat.”
George & Jess just wanted to let us know that they're really happy and settling down well in their new home.  “We have a very comfortable room, with a couch and two big armchairs to sleep in. There are two flights of stairs which we like to chase each other up and down and the rooms, which we roam around, have lots of windows that look out onto the woods and green fields - there will be lots to explore when Lis and Patrick let us out in a couple of weeks’ time. In the meanwhile, we hide in the garage, where we hide under the Table Tennis table and on top of the cupboards - but there's no sign of any cars!! We've worked it out that if we don't follow Lis and Patrick out of the garage, they'll put biscuits in our food bowls to get us to come out!! Hope you're all keeping well and not missing us too much.”
Nathalie sent us an update on Izzy: “It has now been 5 days that Izzy (previously Nikki) has been with us. She surprises us every day. Today for example she was so bursting with energy that we had a two hour chase the string around the house session. She is super settled and a very happy little ball of fur. Her new hoomans couldn’t be happier.
Izzy has not yet gone out to the garden but she has already spotted the squirrel going up the tree, she will definitely attempt to chase it off one day. The house has become strewn with cat toys including lots of scrunched of paper, a fish, feathers, Fred the Flamingo and not to forget that piece of mighty string. She is also very adept at stealing the Dreamies pouch and managed to open it. Thank you LCR for our Izzy, she is one in a million.”
Here is a photo from Jan of Kristi (now Jeanie) adopted last Sept. “She settled in straight away and is adorable, playful and full of cuddles. Beautiful funny girl! She loves the snow! Thanks for taking such good care of her at LRC.”
Shona wanted to share a photo of her handsome Laddie!
Happy 'Gotcha Day' from Luna and Haggis. They joined us a year ago today - they are just the bestest cats! ❤️
Love from Sarah
Perii wanted to give us a little update on her lovely Nala (prev Bella). “We brought her home in July 2022 just after her 5 kittens had found new homes. She settled in really well; however, it took some time for her to trust us completely and stop biting which thankfully she now has.Our first two impressions were that she’s
obsessed with 2 things - food and mice.  She will appear at the kitchen door every 2 hours and try her luck with whoever is there to pretend she has yet to eat and has decided to settle into a routine of 3 small meals a day as she is incapable of grazing and never leaves a morsel in her bowl.  Her mousing abilities are incredible and the poor mouse family who had clearly lived quite peacefully in our garden were quickly captured and swiftly dealt with. We had no idea they were even there, she starting catching them while we were in the garden during the daytime! The numbers have significantly reduced from several a day to one a week but she’s so efficient they clearly stand no chance!She is also very happy to roam around the neighbourhood gardens however she will come running when called. She loves being around kids when they are playing in the garden, she zooms between them just managing to stay out of reach then she darts up the nearest tree to catch her breath. She’s so social and when picked up she cuddles into you which I’ve never known a cat do before, she’s just amazing and we love her.”
Kathryn and John wanted to let us know that Pebbles, now Susie, has settled in well to their home. "From the first evening she used the litter tray and quickly decided where her bed would be - on a rug on one of the kitchen chairs.She is eating and drinking well and has just had her first flea treatment.  She is going to the Vet next week for her second inoculation.  The worm situation was evident in her full belly but this has improved over the last 10 days.We will be glad when it is time to introduce her to our garden properly.  Not quite the same looking out of a window.  Susie’s temperament is as nice as when we first met her.  We are happy to have her."
Erin, Ross, Tilly and Nathan wanted to let us know that Belle has settled in over the weekend. "Enjoying lots of attention, food and sitting cosy at night 💕 Thank you for letting us adopt her."
Avril thought she would let us know how Lola was settling in. "She is very curious and likes to explore high places. She is very friendly and gives us lots of head bumps. She also loves playing with her toys and her cat tree. It feels that we have had her for a longer than a week. Thank you for all that you do in finding forever homes for all the cats in your care."
A message from Alisha: "My partner and I adopted Boi a few weeks ago. Just to give you guys an update. He has settled in really well and we love him loads. He is a ball of fun and cuddles! Here are a few pictures I thought you might like to see."
From Yvonne: "Just wanted to show you these pictures of our three kittens making themselves at home - that's them been here a few weeks now and they've settled in perfectly. Bonnie was a wee bit timid at first, but she's really found her feet now and is bossing the boys around. We love them to bits (even if they do wake us up at 4.30am with the noise of thundering paws racing round the living room) and feel very lucky to have them here."
Gail sent this: "Thank you for all your help today on choosing our beautiful cats. As you can see, Coco and Chanel have immediately made themselves at home."
"Here's Gretel - she's settled in really well. Thanks for everything, Karen"
"Hey, it's been a while since I sent you a little update on my girl Luna, who I adopted from LCR more than 10 years ago now. She took a while to truly settle in but now she rules the roost. The older she gets, the more she has to say for herself. Bit of a diva these days! We love her to bits ❤️. Thanks LCR for all you do for these fabulous moggies." from Diane.
From Helen: "Beautiful cat , thank you."
"I'm attaching photos of Mitzy who I adopted 26th June from cat rescue, Bonnyrigg, Mitzy has settled really well in her new home. Thanks again to Victoria who showed my friend and I around, she was very friendly and informative about all the cats" from Margaret.
I have 2 cats. The black chap is Wallace, he is around 5 years old and he’s so lovely. The other one is Peanuts. I will always get my cats from your Shelter; these 2 are best pals and happy being inside cats . Keep up the good work! Tina x
A message from Louise: "Happy 3rd adoptversary to our special wee girl Ruby we love her very much"
"Sasha has been with us for a wee while now and has settled in extremely well. She is very affectionate and friendly and our family and friends think that she is wonderful, as do we. She has put on a little weight and she loves her food. Her fur at the base of her tail is growing and she is a very beautiful cat.
A big Thank you for letting us adopt her."
Best of wishes from Anthony and Evelyn
From Jo: "I just want to share with you my wee cat Snooks, I adopted her 22 years ago from Lothian Cat Rescue. She lived a very happy life with me in East Lothian, until she passed away on Saturday 9th September. I feel so privileged to have been able to give her a lovely life for all these years. Lothian Cat Rescue does such an amazing job."
"Just to let you know that Layla (now Pixel) is a very happy girl. She's put on a kilo and the vet says her weight is now just right. She loves exploring the terrace gardens and comes in for a snooze when she's all tired out (see pic)!" from Kate.
We wanted to give you an update on wee Gracie who came home with us a week ago .... she has been a complete joy and settled in so quickly, with no problems at all, we can hardly believe it!She loves her igloo, and snoozes most of the day away in there, but she always comes out to socialise with us in the evenings. She hasn't been long in finding all the best comfy spots in the flat, including her own end of the sofa, her favourite armchair, and not forgetting, the soft blanket under the radiator.She is very chatty and wastes no time in telling us when she is ready for some fresh gravy chunks, but at the same time, she is so well behaved, we never hear a peep from her at night.She has been very tolerant of brushing so her coat has really improved.  Today, she met her first new people, when our parents popped in to see her, and she was so friendly - everybody loves Gracie!! We feel so lucky to have her and are really looking forward to our first Christmas together. Thank you for everything you are doing and for letting us have the wonderful Gracie in our lives.Alison and Gordon
A message from Rosie: Paddy is settling very well. He is a big part of the family now.
From Ruth: Flint and Milo have been with us for  a while now and have really settled in well to their new home.
Milo has already established himself as the leader of the household. He is very curious and loves to be with you, whatever you are doing.
Flint is a bit more timid and has taken a bit more time to come out of his shell but is settling in really well too. He is enjoying exploring and loves to be up high.
It’s clear that they were really well loved and cared for by their previous owner and we would like to say thanks to them. The cats have brought so much joy into our lives after a really difficult period. We are so happy to have them.
Sandra just wanted to send an update on “George”, whom she adopted on 21/04/24.
George settled in perfectly here, right from the very start.  He is very affectionate, gentle, playful and full of zest.   He is so inquisitive and just loves being outdoors - exploring the back gardens, frolicking around on the lawn, or just sitting observing.  He also enjoys playing with his toys indoors, especially the ‘catnip’ ones!
Everyone (family, friends, neighbours) thinks he’s adorable and such a wee character.  He’s so friendly and loves attention.  They all say he’s a lucky cat to be here with me but I feel the lucky one to have found him.
Many thanks for letting me adopt George. We all think you do such wonderful work at LCR 😊
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