Our People
Many people are involved making sure Lothian Cat Rescue keeps running.
At our Shelter
Our Wardens and Cat Care staff help look after the shelter cats and deal with all enquiries from the public about rehoming and rescuing cats.
Our Volunteers
Lothian Cat Rescue would find it hard to function without our band of volunteers: shelter volunteers, kitten fosterers, charity shop volunteers, transporters, events volunteers – they all give their time and skills freely and frequently. On behalf of the never-ending stream of needy cats we say Thank You to them all!
Our Committee
The committee (including Chairwoman and LCR founder, Betty Herring, MBE) formally meet 4 times a year to discuss Lothian Cat Rescue matters, which extend far beyond just the Shelter to include the Easter Road Shop, bazaars and other fundraising schemes, staffing, publicity etc. The Committee members are also frequent visitors to the Shelter, making sure everything is as it should be, and work in the Shelter garden and grounds to create an attractive environment for both cats and humans.